April 13, 2012

{ Color } Inspiration and Nature

Hi readers and happy pre-weekend EXTRAVAGANZA! I have no idea why I'm extra geeked about the weekend arriving, as we have no set plans. There might be a Game of Thrones Season 1 marathon, but I can't say for sure.

I've been buying cut flowers lately to brighten up the apartment. What I didn't anticipate was the inspiration I would receive from these beauties. It made me think of the colors that we wear and put together. I'm sure there's a science behind why certain colors pair well. I think it's partly due to what we see in nature. For example, the flowers that we have in our apartment made me instantly think of the color blocking trend and the colors we choose to block.

Here are a few photos of the flowers in our apartment that I captured and what I found on Instagram and a Google search.

Pink and Orange Collage

Purple and Yellow Collage

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!



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