July 29, 2011

{Guest Post} Monster Cakes

Hi readers! Happy happy Friday!!

I'm going to celebrate by going to our favorite local ice cream shop for a little indulgence. I'll be back later to post photos!

I'm back! I had Cookies and Cream and Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream on a waffle cone. Pure indulgence!

Eat Ice Cream Post (Monster Cakes)

I am very lucky to be a guest blogger today on one of my favorite blogs, Monster Cakes. Just the name of the blog is super cool and it makes me want to eat cake. Take a trip over to Jessica's blog and have a look at my post on summer along with Annie from Turning Pages!

I really enjoy reading Monster Cakes especially on Wednesday's for I Smile for my weekly dose of happiness. It truly is an inspirational post every week and overall I can't help but feel happy after reading. She's also very funny and handy with a needle and thread!


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